Saturday, February 28, 2009


After working tonight, I have gotten so sick of my job. Sure its nice to make $120 in 5 hours, but people are so fuckin rude it pisses me off. I wish that people could treat each other with respect and dignity. I'm not just some machine that brings out your food. Don't know how many days I have left at the 'Hacienda', but I can tell you that its not many. I have been looking into places in Hawaii, its not just some stupid thought...I am pretty seriously considering moving there within a year. I have a lot of family and friends here, but I would be so happy with the beach so close to me. I'm going somewhere cool within the next month....don't know where yet but I need to get away. Let me know if you want to come!

Does anyone even read this crap anymore?

Dazzle D

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Late Night

Im working in a few hours, but I have a couple interesting words to write down. I saw some dissapointing relationships tonight, working on Valentines day. I saw so many guys who didn't treat girls right, and vice versa. Its funny how many people just put up with unhappiness and boredom... I just wanted to say something to them. Whatever, I guess its not really my business anyway, but it makes me upset when people settle for less than they deserve.

I had a 'job interview' at a studio in which I performed various tasks on ProTools, or didnt perform tasks in other words. Didn't go so well and needless to say didn't even come close to a job.

I've been diagnosed with dystonia, which has to do with the brain receiving signals from a muscle to let it know when it needs to contract or relax, so apparently thats whats wrong with my hand. It happens when you train a part of your body for so long and different parts of your brain grow as well. At least I dont have Parkinsons. Im taking a medication similar to Valium, so that has been interesting. I will start Botox treatments which willl weaken my arm muscle soon. Other than that, not much going on.....just trying to live life. I've been pretty happy as of late. I do need to move to Hawaii soon though. Anyone want to come????

Goodnight to all, and sweet dreams